Get Your Rubber Ducks Now for the Duck Race!

The Mid-Columbia Duck Race is celebrating its 36th anniversary year. At noon on Saturday, Sept. 14, 25,000 rubber ducks will be dropped into the Columbia River in Columbia Park and will make their way down the race course. The owner of the first duck to cross the finish line will win a brand new 2024 Toyota Corolla Cross! More than 40 other prizes, all donated by local businesses, will be awarded to the other top finishers.

Each duck purchased also comes with valuable coupons that are worth more than the price of the ticket. This unique fundraising event is the collective effort of the five Tri-City area Rotary Clubs. Proceeds from the Duck Race are returned to the clubs to fund their charitable donations, academic scholarships and community projects. Since its inception, the event has raised well over $3 million to benefit our community.

The premier sponsor of the race is Toyota, and the premier coupon sponsor is Autobahn Auto Care Center. Tickets are available at Toyota of Tri-Cities, local Banner Bank branches, and from local Rotarians.

Help us make our community a better place for all. Lend a hand, buy a duck! For more information, visit the event Facebook page or